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Annette S

Annette S

“Expert care. Nicole’s experience and expertise is unmatched. She knows exactly the points to treat and she’s super gentle. (I am a big baby when it comes to needles of any kind.) And she cares for all of you. She cares if you are cold, if you are comfortable. She cares about your whole being. The most incredible thing for me though was I came in with “to the point of tears” pain and felt relief the next day. Everyone in the office is nice. Everyone is polite. Everyone treats you with care. The office is beautiful and clean, pristine, geared to making you feel comfortable. The tables are heated, a super thrill for me. The bathroom is immaculate, another important thing for me. The most important thing however are the results. I haven’t had pain in my cervical spine. For this reason, for the last 3 months, I have been traveling from Astoria, Queens to Smithtown, Long Island to see Nicole. For the results. I highly recommend her.”

– Annette S

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