Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis (also commonly known as R/A) is a type of arthritis where your immune system attacks the tissue lining the joints on both sides of your body.
R/A has a variety of symptoms, such as feeling fatigued, dry mouth, eye conditions, lung scarring or nodules, heart disease, digestive problems, skin conditions, inflammation, cartilage damage, and chronic pain.
With our acupuncture treatment, it is possible to live a life without chronic pain and inflammation every day. We relax the nervous system while improving energy and blood flow.
You don’t necessarily have to live with pain.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder that can affect a wide variety of body systems such as the skin, eyes, lungs, heart and blood vessels. Unlike other types of arthritis, R/A is directly affecting the lining of the joints which causes painful swelling and can eventually lead to bone erosion and joint deformity.
The first stages of R/A usually affect the smaller joints first, like the joints in your hands and feet. As it progresses, typically, symptoms will spread to larger joints, such as wrists, knees, ankles, elbows, shoulders, and hips. The kidneys, salivary glands, nerve tissue, and bone marrow can be affected as well. Although any person, of any age can develop rheumatoid arthritis women are more likely than men, and if a family member has it, you may have an increased risk of developing it. With our acupuncture treatment, it is possible to live a life without chronic pain and inflammation every day. We relax the nervous system while improving energy and blood flow.
At Acupuncture Wellness Services, we use a combination of modalities and techniques to regulate the flow of energy in the body to achieve outstanding results. The extensive training and experience of our practitioners enables them to successfully blend time-tested and ancient treatment protocols with modern and sophisticated therapies. One of the greatest benefits of our procedure is the ability to detect and correct energetic sensitivities to foods and the environment that might be creating symptoms in your body. Each patient is treated individually, and so the combination of techniques is determined at the time of evaluation. Our treatments integrate well with western medicine, chiropractic, massage therapy, occupational therapy, dental work and nutritional healing.
Google Reviews
“I was suffering from RA in both my hands for many years and even though my joints are still swollen, the pain is significantly less, and they feel less weak.”
- Gina R
Google Reviews
“I was diagnosed with RA in both my hands and feet, which also caused me to have raynauds disease as well. So much weakness and pain, I never felt good. I could not even do buttons and zippers on my clothing. The winter was the worst. Now I feel so much more mobility, no more cramping and much more ability in my hands to dress myself. I cannot believe how great I am doing, I never thought I would find something that worked.”
- Diane D