Colic & Gas

Colic & Gas

Short Description Icon

Colic is frequent, prolonged, and intense crying or fussiness from an otherwise healthy infant for three or more hours a day, for three or more days a week, for three or more weeks.

Common Symptoms Icon

Typically, episodes usually peak when an infant is about 6 weeks old and starts to lessen significantly after 3 to 4 months of age.

Treatment Information Icon

With our acupuncture treatments, we balance the entire body, emotions, and the nervous system.

We can correct many health challenges common to children.

more about Colic & Gas

Although colic does not lead to any medical problems for your child, getting treatment for your child may significantly reduce the risk of postpartum depression, early cessation of breastfeeding, as well as parental feelings of guilt, helplessness and/or anger. Colic can be quite upsetting for parents and family members because the baby's distress occurs for no apparent reason, and it seems like no amount of comforting seems to bring any relief. Oftentimes, these episodes occur in the evening when parents or family members themselves are too tired.

Although the exact cause for colic is unknown, specialists believe it can result from number of contributing factors including, but not limited to; a digestive system that is not fully developed, an imbalance of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract, food allergies or intolerances, overfeeding, underfeeding, or infrequent burping, early form of childhood migraines, or family stress and anxiety.  While the excessive crying will resolve with time, trying to manage your infant's colic adds significant stress to your own life.  With our acupuncture treatments, we relax the nervous system, balance emotions, along with improving energy and blood flow.

At Acupuncture Wellness Services, we use a combination of modalities and techniques to regulate the flow of energy in the body to achieve outstanding results.  The extensive training and experience of our practitioners enables them to successfully blend time-tested and ancient treatment protocols with modern and sophisticated therapies.  One of the greatest benefits of our procedure is the ability to detect and correct energetic sensitivities to foods and the environment that might be creating symptoms in your body.  Each patient is treated individually, and so the combination of techniques is determined at the time of evaluation.  Our treatments integrate well with western medicine, chiropractic, massage therapy, occupational therapy, dental work and nutritional healing.

Google Reviews

5 Star Google Reviews

“Dr Nicole and her entire staff know how to make my 14 month old excited for her acupressure treatments. We have worked on food allergies, teething pain and helping her sleep through the night. My daughter even reacted to one of her vaccines and the acupressure treatment helped her get passed it quickly. I am so amazed by how much these treatments help her and how caring the staff and practitioners always are! I recommend them to everyone. I’ve brought my mom for her psoriasis and my husband for his back and me for my back and many other things. Thank you so much Acupuncture Wellness Services!”

- Lisa C

Google Reviews

5 Star Google Reviews

“When we first brought our 2 month old baby girl to see Dr Nicole for colic, she was our last resort. My husband and I were losing our minds, and we felt so terrible for our baby. We tried formula after formula and nothing helped. Dr Nicole cleared her intolerance to the formulas and we were amazed at the difference. My husband tells everyone that we have a new baby with zero issues! Amazed and thankful.”

- Christy F